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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu mája 19, 2015

Cute smaller swedish apartment

...a znova tu mame velmi zaujimavy mensi svedsky byt, v ktorom je priestor na byvanie vyrieseny viac ako zaujimavo :) ...interierovy design je krasny v kazdej jednej izbe a mna zaujalo vyuzitie spalnoveho kuta, je to velmi elegantne...radost pozerat... ...takisto ani kuchyni nechyba elegancia a styl, ja neskutocne ocenujem polickovy system a dekoracie s postermi :).... * ... and we have got  again cute swedish smaller apartment here where is spatial arrangement very nice... ...interior design of this space is wonderful in each room and I love bedroom's corner :) it looks so cozy and elegant.... ...of course.....elegance and nice style we can see in the kitchen and living room where I adore shelving stystem and posters.... Images via Edward Partners

New Form Rocking Chairs

....medzi nove produkty od danskej spolocnosti Normann Copenhagen patria stolicky Form Rocking Chairs.... ...zatial sa robia len na objednavku a cakat sa musi 12 14 tyzdnov, ale myslim, ze neskor, ked sa novucicky vyrobok zabehne, vobec nebude problem s cakanim :) ...mne osobne su vyrobky od Normann srdiecku velmi blizke a tato stolicka ma jednoducho '' dostala '' :) ...verim, ze v kazdom interieri sa musi vynimat uzasne :) * ...Form Rocking Chairs are new products of danish brand Normann Copenhagen... ...expected production is possible only for order 12 - 14 weeks but I believe that later it won't be problem to buy this lovely product immediately... ....I love all products of Normann Copenhagen and when I saw this chair I fallen in love with it :).. ...Form Rocking chair has to be perfect in each interior... Images via Normann Copenhagen, Google