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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu januára 17, 2015

DIY project for candlestick

...svietniky si mozete vyrobit aj Vy, staci len maly napad...moze sa Vam pacit napriklad korenicka a chceli by ste ju mat ako svietnik u Vas doma? Tu je kratke video ako na to a musim fakt uznat, ako napad je to fakt skvely :) * ... it is possible to make your own candlestick...Do you like pepper shaker and you want to use it as candlestick in your home? Perfect, you can find below nice, short video how you can do it and I have to say, it is nice idea:) Video via Boligpluss

Stylovy a prijemny svedsky byt / Stylish and pleasant swedish flat  musim povedat, ze v takomto byte sa musi velmi dobre byvat, uz len tym, ze tu maju uzasne skvosty, co sa tyka nabytku a bytovych doplnkoch, ( ako stolicky Eames, stolik HAY, IKEA,... ), takze naozaj radost pozerat, byt je od zaciatku do konca elegantny od podlahy az po strop, tak nech sa paci, popozerajte aj VY :) * ... I have to say this flat is absolutely amazing and I would like to live there, we can see here lovely pieces of furniture, home decorations...( Eames chairs, HAY tables, IKEA,....), so it is big pleasure to watch this flat from the floor to the ceiling....please take your time and watch these nice images below :) Image via Alvhemmakleri


...ked som zbadala tuto stolicku, tak som si ju okamzite zamilovala...prave tento typ VISU chair od finskeho designera Mika Tolvanena ma dokazal hned ocarit....jednoducho sa musi uznat, stolicka vyzera viac ako uzasne nielen v interieroch nizsie uvedenych, ale pevne verim, ze aj v ostatnych ( v nasom byte by sa vynimala na 100% pekne ) :)... Prajem prijemny vikend! Lucia Albertine * ...when I saw this chair I fallen in love with it...this type of VISU chair from finnish designer Mika Tolvanen is absolutely stunning and magical....I have to say, this chair looks perfectly in the interiors below and I believe that this chair looks amazing in each interior ( in my flat this chair will be absolutely nice ) :) Have a nice weekend! Lucia Albertine Images via Google