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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 3, 2013

Young talent with never ending inspiration for scandinavian interior design

I would like to say sorry for publishing this post later. I know that I said I will publish the post about interesting people every Monday but you will see why I wait for today. I have chosen very nice person and blog with web shop, it is called   La maison d’Anna G. It is blog of Anna Gustafsson. Anna grew   up in Sweden, then moved to Australia and Suisse. Finally she is in Paris for many years. This talented woman has very nice and interesting inspiring blog. The blog is about Scandinavian décor, styling, interior design, she looks for new talents of styling, photographs, design, interior design, shows some interesting apartments or houses.  What is important and interesting and I would like to point out, she is stylist too. She is very talented, she has a big heart for Scandinavian interior design and then we can see the result of her wonderful job. I waited for today to publish this post because I wanted to use some images of her styling ...

Amazing scandinavian apartment full of inspirations / Krásny škandinávsky byt plný inšpirácií

This stunning airy apartment is for sale through Real Estate Agency  Bostadsagenten . It is situated in Malmö with 86 square meters and 2,5 rooms. I wanted to publish this apartment immediately when I saw this art beauty. It is exceptional apartment and very nice for me. I hope it will be nice also for you. The living room is fantastic with the sofa and chairs. This room has own charm. I love kitchen area with dining table and chairs. The inhabitants have really nice style and I let you and you watch the images peacefully. :) Tento nádherný byt je na predaj cez Realitnú kanceláriu Bostadsagenten. Nachádza sa v Malmö so svojimi 86 štvorcovými metrami. Neváhala som a hneď som zverejnila tento krásny byt, túto umeleckú krásu na svojom blogu. Pre mňa je to neobyčajný byt. Verím, že sa bude páčiť aj Vám. Obývacia izba je fantastická ako aj gauč a stoličky v izbe. Izba má svoj vlastný osobitý šarm. Milujem kuchynskú časť s jedá...