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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu marca 25, 2015

Lovely white swedish apartment

....dnes by som rada uverejnila na mojom blogu tento velmi krasny a utulny svedsky byt, ktory sa nachadza v Stockholme... velmi zaujimavy, sice pomensi, ale s elegantnym vkusom... ..moju pozornost samozrejme zaujala podlaha v celom byte, kuchyna a atypicka chodba, ktora je fakt uzasna .... nemozem vynechat ani spalnu, ktora posobi na mna priestranne, stylovo a je svetla... * I would like to post this really nice and cute scandinavian apartment which is located in Stockholm... this smaller flat looks really interesting, chic and has elegant style... I love so much the floor in whole interior, the kitchen and untraditional hallway which is absolutely amazing .... of course the bedroom is nice too, has perfect atmosphere with wonderful, light and cozy air... Images via skandiamaklarna

Nadherny design v ruskom byte / Lovely design in russian apartment

...designer Denis Krasikov sa zaraduje medzi sikovnych a znamych designerov a po zhliadnuti tohto apartmanu, ktory sa nachadza v Rusku si myslim, ze ku nim aj pravom patri... naozaj radost na tento interier pozerat, su tu vybrane krasne farby, ktore atmosferu len a len umocnuju, takisto aj materialy... ...mne sa este velmi paci aj osvetlenie v kazdej jednej miestnosti, lampy su vybrane precizne....myslim, ze tu staci povedat len, ze je tu urcite super byvanie :) * designer Denis Krasikov is very clever and famous designer and when I saw this lovely apartment I believe it is true :) I love whole russian apartment where we can see nice choice of colors which are perfect for atmosphere of the flat and then nice materials.... what is perfect for me is the lights in each room, the lamps are stunning ....I think that it is wonderful to live there :) Images via Home adore Designer Denis Krasikov