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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu marca 7, 2016

Magical and fresh scandinavian space

Images via HusmanHagberg ....tento uzasny svedsky byt, ktory sa nachadza v Stockholme, neunikne pozornosti fanusikov sviezeho skandinavskeho stylu... ...interier je bohaty na uchvatnu atmosferu, ktorej podlahne naozaj kazdy :)... carovny a zaroven velmi zaujimavy svojim priestorovym usporiadanim, drevenou podlahou no a nesporne vhodne zvolenym nabytkom od skandinavskych designerov, ktori zatial nemaju ziadnu konkurenciu... ...samozrejme, ze svoju stylovost a utulnost ziskava aj vdaka dvom sa popriet neda... * ...this is very nice and amazing swedish apartment which is located in Stockholm and I believe everyone who loves scandinavian style, will love this space... ...the interior has cute atmosphere and is interesting thanks to cool spatial arrangement, wooden floor, nice furniture which is from great scandinavian designers... ...of course...we can not forget on two fireplaces which give chic look of whole flat...:)

Absolutely fantastic scandinavian design of Peek lamp

Images via Menu A/S Designer Jonas Wagell ....ked som nedavno zbadala tuto neskutocne krasnu Peek stolnu lampu, tak som sa zmohla na jedine ...WOW :) ...designer Jonas Wagell mal neskutocne dobru ruku na design ako i celu vyrobena z ocele a z hlinika, da sa otocat o 360 stupnov, takze si ju mozete nasmerovat uplne tam kde chcete a to bez pohnutia lampy :) je fajn, svetlo sa da aj stlmit tym, ze sa dotknete vrchnej casti vedla lampy... ...lampa je absolutne uzasna a vsestranne pouzitelna ako na citanie, vhodna na pracovny stol, ale i na nocny stolik...:) * ...when I saw this Peek table lamp I said only...WOW :)...the lamp is absolutely amazing, looks so stunning ... ...the designer of this wonderful piece is Jonas Wagell and I have to say I love design and made of steel and aluminum, you can turn it 360 degree  around the base ....what is perfect is the fact when you need the ambient light you touch the tip of the stem.... c