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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 22, 2015

The end of my give - away of IKEA

....vcera do polnoci bola vyhlasena give - away od IKEA a vitazom sa stava Mirka.... Gratulacia !:) * .... give - away from IKEA was finished yesterday at midnight and the winner is Mirka... CONGRATULATION :)

Skandinavska jednoduchost a elegancia / Scandinavian simplicity and elegance

Images via ESNY ...ano, to su tie spravne slova, ktore vystihuju tento byt....interier je elegantny a jednoduchy, vyzaruje sviezost, utulnost a minimalizmus... ...vsetky skandinavske crty sa tu stretavaju a prelinaju, biela farba, drevo, drevene podlahy, krasna a jednoducha kuchyna, ktora nadherne vyuziva priestor, naozaj je tu radost pozerat... ...taktiez je s velkym vkusom a stylom vybrany nabytok, ale tu v ziadnom pripade nemoze dojst ku ziadnej chybe, pretoze kazdy jeden kusok zo skandinavskeho nabytku, ci uz stol, stolicky, jednoducho uzasny... * yes, that is true ...we can see simplicity and elegance absolutely everywhere in this apartment...the interior is full of freshness, cosiness and minimalism... ...all scandinavian features meet here...white color, wood, wooden floor, perfect white kitchen which used nicely open space...everything is wonderful... ...the furniture was chosen with high style....I know it is not difficult to choose nice piece in...

Unbelievable change of wonderful place for living

Images via Home Dsgn ...toto krasne miesto sa nachadza v USA, v Chicago ....  vyslo to z produkcie Linc Thelen Design...tato vydarena premena z kostola na obytne miesto je krasna ... dom cerpa samozrejme z vysokych stropov, velkych miestnosti a to je velkou vyhodou... velmi dobrou a zaroven krasnou volbou cierno - biela kombinacia a takisto dobre napady v izbach....ciste a jemne vzory su viditelne v kupelni, takze celkovy design je a v ziadnom pripade sa nesmie zabudat ani na dobry vyber svetiel... * ... this is really wonderful place and is located in USA, in Chicago...this is work of Linc Thelen Design and this change from the church to house is wonderful...his big agvantage are high ceilings... and white combination is good choice and I love so much nice ideas in the rooms... ...absolutely everything is nice as clean and soft lines in the bathroom, choice of lights and whole design... ...