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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 16, 2014

IKEA PS 2014 u mna doma / IKEA PS 2014 in my home

...pred dvoma tyzdnami som na blogu uviedla post, ako som si domov priniesla tento skvely stolik od IKEA z kolekcie PS 2014. Musim podotknut, ze stolik je viac ako super, zistil to aj moj 5-rocny syn, ktory ho okamzite chcel do svojej detskej izby na carodejnicke veci a nie a nie mi ho dat. Popustil iba pod jedinou podmienkou, ze jeden tyzden ho budem mat ja a druhy vidno, ze je po maminke, vie rozoznat pekne a dobre veci a potom nie a nie pustit..:) * ...I wrote a post about IKEA table before two weeks ago. This post was about the way of this table to my home. The table is from the collection of IKEA PS 2014 and is really great. My 5 years old son found this fact out and wanted this table for his wizarding things in his room. He didn't want it to give me :( He allowed only when I promised that I will have this table in the living room one week and second week it will be in his room ...really he is like me...he knows to recognise nice things with high quality ...:...

Nadherny, svetly nordicky byt / Beautiful, light nordic apartment

Neskutocne pekny interier, kde je velmi vkusne vyuzity kazdy jeden milimeter priestoru. Je viditelne ako domaci su velkymi fanusikmi knih a umenia. Velmi sa mi paci ako dobre a hlavne vkusne vyriesili problem s uloznym priestorom pre knihy. Zaroven biely a dreveny nabytok je uchvatny. No a samozrejme moznost vyuzivania terasy je absolutne super :) * This interior is unbelievable and there is used nicely each milimeter of space. The inhabitans are big fans of books and art and we can see here nice solution of storage space for a lot of books. White and wooden furniture is stunning. I love the chairs, small tables behind the sofa...fantastic and one thing more is terrace...this flat is absolutely amazing :)   Images via Bo-bedre

Stolicka ML42 by Lassen / The stool ML42 by Lassen

Tieto stolicky ML42 z danskej produkcie by Lassen su naozaj pekne a kvalitne. Samotny zakladatel a designer Mogens Lassen ju navrhol v roku 1942 a bola vystavovana v danskom muzeu dekorativneho umenia. Inspiraciou sa mu stala obuvnicka stolicka, co bol velmi dobry napad a hlavne sa tato stolicka vyraba doteraz a stala sa predmetom zbierok medzinarodnych umelcov....a aj chapem preco :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * These stools ML42 from danish production by Lassen are very nice with high quality. Founder of by Lassen and designer Mogens Lassen designed this chair in 1942  and was exhibited in danish museum of decorative arts. Mogens Lassen used as a inspiration a chair which used by shoemakers. It was great idea :) This chair is very famous and is a subject of many international collections....and I understand why :) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images and info via by Lassen