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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 4, 2014

Cool outfity s trakmi / Cool outfits with braces

...preco nie? Je to cool, in a hlavne outfity s trakmi vyzeraju skvelo, tak uz si ich len poriadit do satnika :) Prajem krasny aj ked uprsany den! Lucia Albertine * ...why not? The braces are cool, in and especially the outfits with braces look really nice so what can I do is to have a look on great inspirations below....:) Have a nice Saturday! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Priestranny svedsky byt s krasnou architekturou / Spacious swedish apartment with nice architecture

...tento krasny svedsky byt sa nachadza v Goteborgu, v budove z roku 1914, co nam napoveda, ze cely byt bude mat skvelu atmosferu a architekturu. Byt so svojou rozlohou 82 metrov presiel rekonstrukciou v roku 2013 a bola to rekonstrukcia kompletna. Kazda jedna izba je krasna, mna velmi zaujala kuchyna, kuchynska linka, vstavane skrine, no a potom obyvacia izba, kde nesmel chybat kozub, konferencny stolik je perfektny a takisto ako inak stolicka Butterfly :)... * ...this wonderful swedish apartment is located in Gothebourg in older building from 1914. Whole apartment has nice architecture and atmosphere. The flat with his 82 square metres is after big and complete reconstruction. Each room is wonderful, the kitchen is very interesting for me with his kitchen unit, kitchen's built-in wardrobes, .....and then living room is magical. The fireplace is lovely and has to be there, coffee table is perfect and my favourite chair Butterfly too.... ...

Svetelne dekoracie / Lighting decorations

Dobre rano! Tak konecne je tu dlhoocakavany vikend, hlavne moj syn sa ho nemohol dockat, skolka neskolka, doma je predsa len najlepsie :) Dnes Vam davam na inspiraciu uzasnu dekorativnu pomocku, svetla v interieri dokazu naozaj velke divy, uz je len na Vas, do ktorej Vasej izby by sa najviac hodili, vzdy skvele vyplnia volny priestor.... samozrejme su vhodne nielen do interieru, ale aj do exterieru, na zahradu alebo terasu, to sa tam bude len potom dobre sediet.....:) Prajem krasny vikend! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! Finally weekend is here for big pleasure of my older son :), nursery is good thing but home is home :) I bring amazing insporations for decorations to your homes. The lights are very lovely and it is up to you where you use it, this small decoration is wonderful in each room... of course you can use it also in the exterior, in the garden or on the terrace...then it will be great to sit there...:) Have a nice weekend! Lucia Albertine ...