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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 8, 2014

Pruhy v elegantnych outfitoch / Stripes in elegant's outfits

Ja osobne pruhom neviem odolat, outfity s nimu su ukazkove a krasne ( uvedene nizsie ) a takisto doplnky s pruhmi su uzasne, co poviete? :) Prajem este krasny, slnecny den! Lucia Albertine * I love the stripes, the outfits are cute and beautiful ( inspirations below )....but accessories with stripes are amazing ...what do you think?:) Have a nice and sunny day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Svedsky byt s cierno - bielou eleganciou / Swedish apartment with black and white elegance

Zdravim! Konecne slniecko a teplo, tak Vam na este vacsie sprijemnenie krasneho dna posielam fotografie tohto krasneho bytu. Tento byt sa nachadza vo Svedsku a je z ponuky na predaj realitnej kancelarie Fantastic Frank. Da sa povedat, ze eleganciu najdeme naozaj v kazdej izbe a takisto si pride na svoje aj ten, ktory ma rad ciernu a bielu. Tieto farby su doplnane nabytkom z dreva a dekoraciami z dreva, takze je naozaj na co pozerat.... A mimochodom, tento byt je krasnou inspiraciou pre kazdeho. * Hello! Finally it is warm and sunny weather and for better day I am sending you the photos of beautiful swedish apartment. It is from offer of Real Estate Agency Fantastic Frank. It is possible to say that we can find the elegance in every room. This flat is for everyone who loves black and white color and of course wooden furniture and wooden decorations too. It is big beauty and perfection of details... And by the is nice inspiration for everyone.

Jednoducha zmena ku krajsej kuchyni / Simple change for nicier kitchen

Dobre rano! Je pravdou, ze som uz niekolkokrat na mojom blogu priniesla inspiracie na zmenu kuchyne, ale ja tvrdim, ze inspiracii nie je nikdy dost. A ked ste sa uz rozhodli pre zmenu alebo este len nad nou rozmyslate, mozno sa nechate inspirovat zrovna touto... Prajem uspesny start do noveho tyzdna! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! It is true that you can find some nice inspirations for the change of the kitchen on this blog but I am saying ... if you have more inspirations you can make decisions better... And if you have already decided or you will plan small or bigger change of your kitchen, you can be inspired by these nice ideas... I wish you a successful start of new week! Lucia Albertine   Images via Bonytt