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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 3, 2014

Vianocny cas...continuing / The Christmas time...pokracovanie

....tak a je to presne 51 dni do Vianoc, ide to neskutocne rychlo a je najvyssi cas pomaly, ale isto sa na Vianoce pripravit. Uz len preto, aby nas necakal predvianocny zhon a stres, ktory si myslim pozname vsetci....tento post je o adventnom a vianocnom osvetleni, ktore rozhodne nesmie chybat...:) * is exactly 51 days to Christmas...the Christmas time is coming really quickly and I think it is time to prepare our houses, homes for this lovely time without any stress. ...this post is about advent and christmas lights which have to be and it is simple...:) Images via Skona hem

Poschodova postel a gauc v jednom / Bunk bed and sofa in one

Mam rada napady, ktore pomahaju riesit priestory v mensich bytoch. Jednym z nich je aj tento napad premeny sofy na poschodovu postel....neverila by som, keby som to nevidela, fakt dobry napad a hlavne je to pouzitelne a napomocne :) * I love the ideas which are helpful for the space in smaller apartments.  One of them is this one where it is possible to change the sofa for bunk bed....WOW, it is great idea, I love this piece of furniture :)

Svedsky byt dekorovany tapetami / Swedish apartment with decorations of wallpapers

Myslim, ze ked najblizsie budem renovovat svoj byt, tak tapeta tam nebude chybat. Som prekvapena ako dokaze zmenit celu izbu a aj atmosferu v nej.  Tento svedsky byt je carovny aj vdaka priestoru, velkosti, vysokych stropov a dekoracii :) Ma neskutocnu a prijemnu farebnu skalu, vdaka ktorej verim, ze sa tam dobre byva... Tento byt sa mi paci ako celok, je fakt prijemny :) * I think when I will renovate my apartment, the wallpapers have to be there. I am surprised that the wallpaper can change the atmosphere of the room :) This swedish flat is magical thanks to space, high ceiling, decorations and atmosphere :) We can find nice and pleasant color scheme and I believe that it is nice to live there... It is great apartment :) Images via Bjurfors

MUUTO catalogue autumn - winter 2014

Samozrejme do nasej zbierky skandinavskych interierovych a designovych obchodov nesmie v ziadnom pripade chybat MUUTO. Katalog zahrna  v sebe sezonu jesen - zima 2014 a je super. Ja osobne, ked som ho listovala, som nedychala od zaciatku az po jednoducho vydareny...:) Prajem krasnny zaciatok pracovneho tyzdna! Lucia Albertine   * Of course, MUUTO catalogue autumn - winter 2014 must to be in our collection of scandinavian interior and design shops. This catalogue for season autumn - winter '14 is absolutely fabulous.  I love it so much from the beginning to the end of it....all designers for MUUTO did good job :) Have a nice start of working week! Lucia Albertine