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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu augusta 3, 2013

Small stunning scandinavian apartment / Malý, úžasný škandinávsky byt

This apartment is absolutely splendid, has 50 meters square. Sometimes is not easy to arrange small apartment. But in this case inhabitants or interior designer did perfect job. From the hallway you can  move smoothly through the whole apartment, via kitchen to living room. The hallway is  small place but stylish, full of nice ideas. I love this hanger, decoration, colors.:) The kitchen is quite large, it is comfortable and cozy place where is a joy to cook and spending time with friends. The lamps over the dining table are perfect. The living room is really cozy and the carpets give life for this place. In the bedroom is place only for sleeping, I think this bedroom  is suitable for some people. This apartment is suitable and preferred for creative people without children. :) Tento byt je absolútne ohromujúci, má 50 metrov štvorcových. Niekedy to nie je vôbec jednoduché zariadiť malý byt. No ale v tomto prípade sa to buď obyvateľom alebo bytovému desig...