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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 16, 2018

Charming swedish apartment

...also today I want to show you one absolutely charming scandinavian apartment which grabbed my heart immendiatelly.... ...every corner is interesting and magical and I love so much the is the space where it is possible to spare wonderful time with the family or friends because is elegant with nice details.... ....another space is the bedroom which is fabulous and exceptional...I love this airy space with cool colors.... ....don't forget to notice lovely choice of pale floor and lighting.... * ...aj dnes Vam chcem ukazat jeden uzasny svedsky interier, ktory si urcite najde vela fanusikov medzi Vami, mna dostal priam okamzite....:) ...kazdy jeden roh je zaujimavy a priam magicky....mne osobne sa neskutocne paci kuchyna, je to priestor, kde sa da travit cas naozaj prijemne nielen s rodinou, ale aj s dobrymi priatelmi, je elegantna s uchvatnymi detailmi.... ...dalsou izbou, ktora urcite stoji za pozastavenie je spalna....ten priestor s neuveritel