Interesting and nice apartment of danish DJ and blogger / Zaujímavý a pekný byt dánskej DJ a blogerky
Maria Barfod is 33 years old danish DJ and blogger, she lives with her family in this beautiful apartment. This apartment has 100 square metres and it is fresh and light place. I love the wooden floors which are painted in black, and old wooden construction between rooms....It is very lovely place....:) Maria Barfod je 33 ročná dánska DJ a bloggerka, býva spolu s jej rodinou v tomto nádhernom byte. Má 100 metrov štvorcových a je to svieže a svetlé miesto. Milujem drevenú podlahu natretú na čierno a staré drevené konštrukcie medzi izbami.....Je to veľmi nádherné miesto....:) Images via Nytt Rom