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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 15, 2014

Star from branches

Vzdy som obdivovala, ako dokazu vytvorit hviezdu z kuskov konarikov. Neprisla som na to, podarilo sa mi objavit toto video a vdaka zan. Urcite si hviezdu vytvorim aj pre nas domov :) * I always admired the creation of the star from branches. I didn't know how I can do it but I found this video and thank you so much for it :) Certainly I will make it for our home :) Video via Skona hem

Cierna a drevo vo vianocnych dekoraciach / Black and wood in christmas decorations

Absolutne fantasticky vyzneju cierna a drevo pospolu :) No a este k tomu vsetko, co priroda ponuka :), je a bude fajn, ked sa podari z nich vycarovat nieco fascinujuce na najkrajsie sviatky v roku.  Davam tieto fotky na blog ako inspiracie pre Vas, urcite aj Vam sa podari nieco krasne vykuzlit na sviatky :) * Black and wood is absolutely fantastic combination and it looks together lovely :) Black and wood and everything what the nature offers to us...... if you combine all these materials I believe that you produce something beautiful for your families for the nicest time of the year... I give these inspirations for you and I hope you will do something nice and cute for Christmas :) Images via BoligLiv

Stylovy svedsky byt / Stylish swedish apartment

Naozaj je tento byt velmi zaujimavy a pekny. Musim povedat, ze styl aky domaci zvolili, sa mi nesmierne paci a zaroven aj jednotlive kusky nabytku su super. Moju pozornost na prvy pohlad ziskali postery, pre ktore mam vzdy slabost :). Samozrejme aj celkovy styl obyvacej izby je uchvatny spolu s jedalenskym kutom, kde " hviezdia " rozdielne jedalenske stolicky. Neda mi obist kuchynu, ktora vyznie viac ako fantasticky. Mne osobne sa velmi paci sachovnicova podlaha a v kombinacii so sedymi stenami je miestnost, ze WOW :) No a nakoniec detska izba je hotovy klenot, tie jednotlive kusky nabytku a celkovy look izby je krasny :) * Really, this swedish apartment is very nice and interesting. I have to say that inhabitants chose nice style and bought perfect pieces of furniture. I see a lot of nice aspects here. The posters grabbed my attention, I love the posters so much :) Of course the look of living room is fabulous with dining corner and different chairs. I mus...

Ruzova v interieri / Pink in the interior

Myslim si, ze ruzova v interieri je uplne v pohode a posobi uzasne. Netreba sa toho bat a hlavne, ak by sme mali doma taketo kusky, ktore sa nachadzaju pod textom nizsie, tak by nas interier bol krasny skvost, co myslite? Prajem krasnu sobotu! Lucia Albertine * I think pink color in the interior is absolutely OK and looks so amazing. Don't be afraid, this color is nice and if you will have these pieces of furniture at home, your interior will be fantastic, what do you think? Have a nice Saturday! Lucia Albertine  Charlotte Honcke Henning Koppel Ikea Jasper Morrison  Jayme Hayon Patricia Urquila Pinterest Pinterest Tina K. Home Images via Rumid, Pinterest