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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 22, 2014

Zabavne video od Ikea Singapur / Funny video of Ikea Singapore

Jednoducho Vam musim poslat link na toto skvele video, nemohla som, ked som ho videla, je sice aktualny pre Ikeu v Singapure, no Halloween je zas aktualny zachvilku musim povedat, ze Ikea Singapore je velmi pohotova a kreativna :) * I have to give you a link for this nice and cute video :), it is available for IKEA Singapore... never mind...Halloween is available everywhere.....I have to say that IKEA Singapore is really creative  :)

Cierna elegancia / Black elegance

Na ciernu ja jednoducho neviem dopustit a je zas pravda, ze ciernou sa ani nic nepokazi :) Kazdy jeden outfit je uzasny, napadity a smrncovy, saty sa jednoducho navrharom vydarili... * The black color is absolutely amazing, I love it for each outfit :) ...The outfits below are full of energy, ideas, are absolutely designers did very good job... Images via Femina, Pinterest

Nadherny skandinavsky dom s troskou shabby chic / Beautiful scandinavian house with a little bit shabby chic

Je to krasny dom, v ktorom clovek moze  najst eleganciu, pohodlie a ked navyse je aj fanusikom shabby chic, tak je na spravnom mieste... Elegancia tohto domu je znasobena biela farbou ako na stenach, tak aj na nabytku. Je to velmi prijemny a utulny dom, radost pozerat...:) * It is nice house where everyone can find elegance, comfort and if you are the fan of shabby chic, you are in right place... We can see the elegance really everywhere as on the wall and the furniture too. It is wonderful and cozy house, lovely for watching.... Images via Boligpluss

Fiber chair of MUUTO

Ked sa povie MUUTO, tak sa hned mysli skvely design, ktory sa snubi aj s vysokou kvalitou. Tak tomu je aj v pripade stolicky FIBER, ktoru navrhol pre MUUTO Iskos - Berlin. Je vyrobena z inovativneho materialu recyklovatelnych plastovych a drevenych vlaken. Je tu viditelny doraz na komfort a vsetranne vyuzitie stolicky ci uz v kancelarii, v jedalni alebo v konferencnej sale :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * When we said MUUTO, we understand great design with high quality. Today's post presents this lovely FIBER chair which is designed by Iskos - Berlin for MUUTO. It is made of a new innovative material of recyclabe plastic and wooden fibers. It is reading emphasis for a comfort and versatile use f.e. in the office, dining room or conference hall...:) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via MUUTO