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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 19, 2014

Kabat v jesennych outfitoch / Coat in fall's outfits

...ked uz rozmyslate nad tym, co noveho by ste si pocas jesene do Vasho satnika doniesli, nezabudnite na kabaty. Jednak su chic a elegantne a urcite zohreju pocas sychraveho dna, ak ste uz nad nim rozmyslali, tak urcite neprehliadnite tieto krasne inspiracie.... Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...when you want to buy something new for fall's season, don't forget on coats. The coat is chic, elegant and warm for colder fall's if you think about new coat, notice these nice inspirations below... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Fantasticky nordicky dom / Fantastic nordic house

Zdravim! Je to uzasna inspiracia nordickeho, vidieckeho domu. Musim povedat, ze tento dom je krasny vdaka svojej severskej a domackej atmosfere. :) Izby su priestranne, vzdusne a svetle, kazdy jeden kus nabytku je vybrany spravne, no jednoducho...kazdy sa tu musi citit dobre... * Hello! This is amazing example for nice nordic house. I have to say this house is wonderful thanks to nordic and familiar atmosphere. :) The rooms are spacious, airy and light, each piece of furniture is chosen is so simple...everyone has to feel here good.... Images via Boligpluss

Krasny exterier okolo Vasho domu / Nice exterior around your house

Dobre rano! Toto je uzasna inspiracia pre okolie mozno prave Vasho domu. Ja keby som mala dom, tak veru nevaham, lebo mne sa neskutocne paci napad pouzitia malych pnikov a hlavne zaujimavych crepnikov... Prajem krasny piatok! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! This is very nice and interesting inspiration for exterior around the houses. It is really good idea to use little tree stumps and nice flowerpots, everything looks nice and amazing. Have the house, hmmmmm really I don't hesitate,  I love this style....:) Have a nice Friday! Lucia Albertine It i Images via Klikk