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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu januára 18, 2015

Plesove saty / Prom dress

...tak ked uz je tu ta plesove sezona, tak preco nezaziarit na plese ako kralovna, ak hladate inspiracie este narychlo nejake dat usit, tak nech sa paci, inspiracie nizsie su nadherne a moje oblubene saty su na obr. 4 a 5 :) * ...when we have ball season already here, it is neccessary to choose wonderful dress and we will look as a queen, if you are looking for some needful inspiration, below images are favourite dresses are on the image no. 4 and 5...:) 1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8 \  9 10 11 12 Images via Pinterest

Farebny nordicky interier / Colorful nordic interior

....dnesny post je o velmi zaujimavom nordickom interieri, kde domaci zvolili farebny nabytok a dekoracie na ozivenie celeho domu a udrzanie dobrej nalady :) no musim uznat, ze to vyzera viac ako zaujimavo, je fajn, ze zaklad tvori biela farba a jej doplnenim su pastelove a zive farby, v kazdom pripade odraza zivotny styl domacich ludi, hoci je pravda, ze na mna je tych farieb privela, ale urcite ako sa vravi 100 ludi 100 chuti :) co sa mi vsak paci je nabytok, podlaha a stolicky na poslednej fotke :) *'s post is about very interesting nordic apartment where inhabitats chose colorful furniture and decoration to revive the house and keep good mood... I can say that this house looks more than interesting, it is nice when basic color is white and second colors are nice and pastels, in any case the house is an expression of lifestyle.......but these colors are too much for me BUT what I like are furniture, floor and chairs on the last image :) ...

Uzasny design stolovej lampy / Amazing design of table lamp

....toto je dalsia stolova lampa, ktora ma velmi velmi, ale ze velmi zaujimava, specificka a nezvycajna a to mam rada, farby su uzasne a takisto bol vynikajuci napad zakomponovat tam drevo, ktore je vynikajucim a vdacnym materialom :) tato lampa sa musi naozaj krasne vynimat v interieri.... * ...this is another table lamp which grabbed my attention :) the lamp is really but really interesting, specific and unusual and I love this was good idea to use the wood in the lamp because is perfect and grateful material :) this lamp has to be nice in the interior....absolutely :) Images via Boconcept