Images via 55 kvadrat ....tento krasny skandinavsky byt musi oslovit snad fantasticky....biela farba, drevo, postery je super kombinacia...samozrejme nesmu chybat ani geometricke tvary a postery :) ...inspirujucou izbou je aj spalna, ktora nesie v sebe sviezi look a verim, ze sa tam musi spat uzasne :) ...jedine, co by som ja zmenila, ale nie je to vyslovene katastrofa je, ze by som v kuchyni volila bledsie drevo, aby tym atmosfera bytu nebola narusena... * ...this nice scandinavian apartment has to be nice for everyone....this interior is stunning because the pale wood and white color is fantastic combination...and of course geometric shapes and the posters are there too :) ...the bedroom is another inspiring room because has fresh and comfortable look... ...but one thing I would like to change...I will choose the combination pale wood and white color for the kitchen...not dark work....:)