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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu apríla 27, 2015

Jednoduchy, slnecny, svedsky interier / Simple, sunny, swedish interior ja jednoducho nemozem z toho pekneho a sympatickeho svedskeho interieru... fakt, ze styl a vkus sa nezapru a v tomto byte najdeme naozaj oboje aj s krasnymi kuskami nabytku.... ...sofa je ten kus, ktory sa neda prehliadnut a je naozaj krasna, v obyvacia izba sluzi aj na spanie a ja ocenujem stylovost spacieho kuta uz len preto, ze su tu obrazy ako dekoracie a drevena lavica a ja dreveny nabytok milujem :) ...samozrejme uzasna dekoracia je aj zrkadlo a este jedna vec navyse, nebojme sa pouzivat tapety...v interieri urobia zazraky, uz len dobre vybrat :) * ...I love so much this cute smaller swedish apartment... is true that we can find here fantastic style and nice pieces of furniture and decorations... the sofa is one of that, this piece is so stunning and looks perfect...the living room is also the place for sleeping and small sleeping area is styling nicely with pictures as a decorations and lovely wooden bench... ...did you notice the mirror ...

Cool pop - art bar and restaurant in Moscow

....Moskva je krasne mesto, kde najdete nespocetne vela krasnych kulturnych miest a centier... ...jednym z takychto miest je bar a restauracia Door 19 s industrialnych nadychom..... to miesto, ktore splna v jednom kriteria baru, restauracie a modernej galerie.... ...naozaj je to skvost, ktory sa oplati vidiet na vlastne oci :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...Moscow is wonderful city with a lot of nice cultural places and centres... onw of that is Door 19 with industrial is bar, restaurant and temporary gallery.... ...I love this place and I have to say it is treasure in interior design and art and it is nice to visit this stunning place... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via we-heart