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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu apríla 22, 2015

Amazing atmosphere of scandinavian apartment

...neskutocny byt s mnozstvom skvelych napadov... ...byt sa krasne vynima v bielej farbe, elegancia je badatelna na kazdom cm2 :) to sice mensi byt, ale to nijako neberie na jeho krase, mojou srdcovkou su jednoznacne obrazy, biela drevena podlaha a osvetlenie.... celkova atmosfera je krasna, je to naozaj mily byt s uzasnym designom...:) * is unbelievable scandinavian apartment with a lot of great ideas... have a look on it :)....the apartment is so lovely in white color, we see nice elegance in each cm2 :) is smaller space but very cozier and I love so much the pictures, white wooden floor and lighting... it is one of my favourite swedish interior because looks so nice, cute and has AMAZING design :) Images via Entrance

Zaujimavy interier pizzerie / Interesting interior of pizzeria

...tato pizzeria, ktora pripomina svojim interierom sklad sa nachadza v Spanielsku ... ...spanielsky architekt Pedro Scattarella umiestnil do interieru 4 kontajnery, ktore plnia funkciu kancelarie, toalety, VIP roomu, vystavnej izby... ...musim priznat, ze cely interier ako restauracie, tak aj baru je velmi zaujimavy, mam rada industrialny styl, takze zariadenie je pre mna uplne uzasne.... * ...this pizzeria is very interesting and is located in Spain.... looks like a warehouse where we can find 4 containerswith different uses...the office, toilets, VIP room, exhibition showcase.... I have to say whole interior with two floors restaurant / bar is very lovely, I adore industrial style and furniture and lights are stunning for me :) Images via dezeen