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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu decembra 8, 2014

Uzasna sobota / Amazing Saturday

Sobotu sme mali trosku sportovu, no ale nie je nic lepsie ako spolu travit cas. Zabavne to je a deti maju z toho uzasny zazitok. Uz potom ale horsie je, ze nechcu ist dole z ladu :) * Saturday was very amazing day and field day. I love to be together all the day as a family and do some sport or trip together. It is so fan and skating was fantastic idea! Images via TT

Skvele napady na vianocne ozdoby / Great ideas for christmas decorations

Vzdy sa potesim dobrym  napadom na krasne vianocne ozdoby zvlast, ked mi mozu pritom pomoct moje deti. Tieto napady, ktore dnes davam na post su uzasne, aj ked pre sisky som uz zvolila bielu farbu a uz tronia v obyvacke 2 tyzdne :) Super napad je s washi paskami, v jednoduchosti je proste dokonalost, raz darmo :) * I love good ideas for x-mas decorations which I can create together with my children. These ideas which you can find below in my post are amazing, I love all but I decorated already cones in white and I have it in living room 2 weeks :) Oh yes, I adore the idea with washi tapes...what is simple is great :) Images via Boligpluss

Svedsky zaujimavy loft / Swedish interesting loft

Toto je velmi uzasny skandinavsky loft. Kazdeho uputa na prvy pohlad. Mna dostal tym, ze vyuziva krasne materialy ako tehly, drevene tramy, mozeme tu najst krasne designove kusky...konferencny stolik v obyvacej izbe nema chybu :) a zaujimave priestorove riesenie, no a samozrejme priestranny balkon nemozeme vynechat.  Celkova atmosfera loftu je fantasticka aj vdaka velkym oknam :) Urcite by som tento loft chcela vidiet na vlastne oci... * This is absolutely amazing scandinavian loft. I think everyone has to love this space. I adore it for fantastic materials as bricks, wooden beams..., we can find here nice design's pieces - coffee table is stunning and the spatial arrangement of the apartment is interesting. Oh yes....we can not forget spacious balcony..exactly this one is my dream...:) Whole atmosphere of loft is perfect thanks to big windows. Hmmm...I would like to visit this loft :) Images via Lundin

Fantasticke designove napady / Fantastic design's ideas

Milujem napady, ktore su nielen uzitocne, ale aj dobre vypadaju. To znamena, ziaden gyc a vsetko jednoduche a stylove... Kazdy jeden z tychto produktov taky je. Designeri maju viacere kusky, co stoja za to, no vybrala som zatial tieto, krasne, co poviete? Prajem Vam uspesny start do noveho pracovneho tyzdna! Lucia Albertine * I love the ideas which are useful and look fantastic. I mean, nothing complicated, each detail simple, precise and stylish... Each of these products is simple and stylish. I found a lot of nice pieces of these designers but for this time I have chosen perfect design's products below.... I wish you a nice start of new working week! Lucia Albertine Corinna Warm for Swedese Michael Sodeau for Hypetex Finding Cheska for Merci Merci Peter Johansen for Normann Copenhagen Richard Manz for Stilleben Verner Panton for Montana Victor Vasilev for Interstudio Images via Rumid