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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu augusta 16, 2013

Stunning scandinavian house / Úžasný škandinávsky dom

This specific house is for sale through Real Estate Agency Bo-laget . I love this house because it is airy and light house what  is important for me. There is many danish decorations pieces from Muuto and Hay . The kitchen is fantastic, airy room, I imagine typical Scandinavian kitchen like this one, absolutely stunning place, everybody has to feel nice there. I love the stairs and the bedroom. I love atmosphere of this bedroom, styling, decorating…. J The styling of living room is refreshing, I love light colors, light wood in whole house. I have tip of this house from Niki ( My Scandinavian home ). Thank you! Tento špecifický dom je na predaj cez realitná kanceláriu Bo-lage. Veľmi sa mi páči, pretože je vzdušný a svetlý a to pre mňa zohráva dôležitú rolu. Je tu množstvo dánskych dekoračných kúskov od Muuto a Hay . Kuchyňa je fantastická, vzdušná izba, takto si predstavujem typickú škandinávsku kuchyňu, je to absolútne očarujúce miesto, každý sa tu...