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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu februára 27, 2015

Nadherny interier svedskeho mensieho bytu / Beautiful interior of swedish smaller apartment aj dnes by som Vam chcela ukazat jeden velmi zaujimavy svedsky mensi byt, mensi len co sa tyka poctu izieb, lebo rozhodne tak nevyzera vdaka priestrannosti izieb, zaujimavy je az az.... samozrejme ako prve padne do oka kuchyna spojena s obyvacou  miestnostou, je to priestor naozaj velmi uzasny, nesmierne sa mi paci pracovna doska, lampy nad nou ako aj postery v obyvacej casti spolu s osvetlenim, urcite zaujimavy priestor najdeme aj v spalni a na chodbe.... je to uzasny byt s mnozstvom krasnych napadov... * ...I would like to show you really nice and interesting smaller swedish apartment... although this flat is smaller ( numbers of rooms ) but looks more spacious thanks to bigger and fresh rooms... I love som much the kitchen with living area...the kitchen working board, the pendants, the posters in the living space with the lamp.... of course, you will find nice space in the bedroom and on the hallway... it is really but really amazing flat with a lot of

Design of wine bar in NY

...Bentel & Bentel Design Architects / Planners ma na svedomi interier tohto vinneho baru / restauracie v New Yorku a musim povedat, ze vysledok je viac ako prijemny a zaujimavy ... samozrejme je fakt, ze takyto priestor sa sam nuka na zariadenie a designerska firma spravila kus dobrej prace, interier nie je nudny, obzvlastneny je dobrym vyberom dekoracii, nabytku a svetiel :) * Bentel & Bentel Design Architects / Planners did very good job and designed the restaurant for fabulous interior :) ....the result of their is pleasant and stunning... of course, whole space is nice also thanks to good choice of decorations, funriture and lighting  :)  Images via Interior Design