Hello dear friends! Today I would like to introduce one beautiful young norwegien lady which is full of never ending inspirations and ideas. It is Elisabeth Heier-Werne r. Norway is country full of talented people. :) Elisabeth is blogger, photographer, interior designer and stylist, it is a very busy young lady . :) She writes very interesting blog http://elisabethheier.blogspot.no/ , I love this blog, is writing very nicely. In the present, she works as interior designer and stylist. She works in her own company too. I can say she has a big talent for this job. I publish the images of her house which is the mirror of her talent. :) ( published with her agreement ) Ahojte priatelia! Dnes by som Vám chcela predstaviť jednu nádhernú mladú dámu z Nórska, ktorá priam srší nikdy sa nekončiacimi nápadmi a inšpiráciami. Volá sa Elisabeth Heier-Werner. Ako pozorujem, Nórsko je bohaté na talenty. Elisabeth je blogerka, foto...