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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 9, 2013

One big talent of scandinavian interior design

Hello dear friends! Today I would like to introduce one beautiful young norwegien lady which is full of never ending inspirations and ideas. It is Elisabeth Heier-Werne r. Norway is country full of talented people. :) Elisabeth is blogger, photographer, interior designer and stylist, it is a very busy young lady . :) She writes very interesting blog , I love this blog, is writing very nicely. In the present, she works as interior designer and stylist. She works in her own company too.   I can say she has a big talent for this job. I publish the images of her house which is the mirror of her talent. :) ( published with her agreement ) Ahojte priatelia! Dnes by som Vám chcela predstaviť jednu nádhernú mladú dámu z Nórska, ktorá priam srší nikdy sa nekončiacimi nápadmi a inšpiráciami.   Volá sa Elisabeth Heier-Werner. Ako pozorujem, Nórsko je bohaté na talenty. Elisabeth je blogerka, foto...

Stunning scandinavian apartment / Očarujúci škandinávsky byt

This interesting and amazing apartment is ready for sale through Real Estate Agency Stadshem. This apartment has 2 lovely rooms and beautiful kitchen. I love the kitchen, there is fantastic dining corner with nice lamp and gorgeous wall of photos. It is perfect idea, it looks so cool. :) Do you like it too? And then the sweet, lovely room, the pieces of furniture are stunning. I love the MUUTO table lamp, “wood hands” and bedside table. The living room is nice and stylish place with beautiful furniture. I love the Strap mirror and the pictures on the wall, Side table and chair. This apartment has stunning design. :) Tento zaujímavý a prekrásny byt je na trhu cez realitnú kanceláriu Stadshem. Byt má 2 pekné izby a krásnu kuchyňu. Tá je veľmi cool s fantastickým jedálenským kútom a so super stenou plnú fotiek. Je to perfektný nápad a vyzerá to dobre :). Páči sa Vám to tiež? Ďalej je to izba, veľmi príjemná,...