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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu augusta 26, 2014

Chic outfits for business job ani pre jeden outfit by som nepovedala nie....uzasne, elegantne a hlavne chic :) *  ...why not and I would like to have every outfit....these inspirations are amazing, elegant and chic :) Images via Pinterest

Ohromujuci svedsky byt / Stunning swedish apartment

Zdravim! No veru, keby som sa chcela prestahovat do Svedska, veru nevaham a siahnem po tomto uzasnom byte z ponuky realitnej kancelarie Stadshem. :) Je fakt uzasny a zaujme na prvy pohlad. Posobi velmi prijemne a ocari svojim stylingom, pohodlnou spalnou, velmi zaujimavym a napaditym home officom, jedalenskym kutom a nabytkom...No zjednodusene povedane zaujimavy cely....:) * Hello! If I would like to move to Sweden I chose this absolutely amazing apartment which is in offer of Real Estate Agency Stadshem. :) This flat is really stunning and looks so fabulous. It is magical for his styling, comfortable bedroom, very interesting home office, nice dining corner and furniture......I can say only this space is BEATIFUL :) Images via Stadshem

Nova kolekcia od Tiny K Home a katalog jesen - zima 2014 / New collection of Tina K Home and new catalog fall - winter 2014

Dobre rano! Mnohe znacky interieroveho designu su uz dobre pripravene na nadchadzajucu sezonu jesen - zima 2014 a tak tomu je aj u danskej znacky Tiny K Home. Katalog je absolutne skvely, mne sa paci vsetko, ale vybrala som na ukazku moje top najoblubenejsie a je to rucne malovana keramika. Samozrejme nemoze byt inak ako v cierno - bielej kombinacii :) Prajem Vam krasny den! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! A lot of nice branches of interior design are prepared for next season fall - winter 2014 and danish brand Tina K Home is prepared too. Catalog is absolutely perfect, I love all things inside but I have chose my best and favourite things from the catalog and it is hand - painted ceramics. Of course, it is in black and white combination :) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Tina K Home