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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 1, 2014

Sal a jesen / Scarf and fall

...myslim, ze sal je neoddelitelnou sucastou outfitov pre viacere sezony a tym je jasne, ze pocas jesene nesmie chybat v kazdom satniku...daju sa s nim vykuzlit ocarujuce outfity, uz len tym, ze sa da uviazat na viacere sposoby... ako sa da krasne sal zakompomovat do outfitu mozete vidiet aj na inspiraciach nizsie... Prajem este krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...I think the scarf is very important and  inseparable part of outfits for several seasons. Of course it is necessary to have the scarf in your wardrobe during fall ....You can have very magical outfits with it... You can be inspired by these lovely inspirations below... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Uzasny svedsky byt / Amazing swedish apartment

Tak toto je krasny priklad rozlohou mensieho skandinavskeho bytu. Je z ponuky na predaj realitnej kancelarie Fastighetsbyran.  Byt ma krasny styl, nabytok a atmosferu. Nachadzaju sa tu krasne a moje oblubene farby a to biela, seda a medena, ktoru vidime na lustroch ( Tom Dixon ) a prave ta dodava celej izbe smrnc.... A co ma najviac fascinuje na tomto byte je fakt, ze aj ked je pomensi, je usporiadany tak, ze vyzera vacsi ... :) * So this is very nice example of smaller scandinavian apartment. It is from the offer of Real Estate Agency Fastighetsbyran. The flat has lovely style, atmosphere and furniture. We can find here fantastic and my favourite colors as white, grey and copper, last color we see on the lamps ( Tom Dixon ) in the kitchen. I think the kitchen looks so chic thanks to these lamps. I am so fascinated by the fact that this flat is arranged perfect and looks bigger....:) Images via Fastighetsbyran

Ikea PS 2014 Bratislava

Dobre rano! Ako som uz spominala v jednom poste spred tyzdna, v Bratislave sa minuly tyzden konala jedna velmi dobra akcia a to Design week 2014. Tejto akcie sa zucastnila aj Ikea s kolekciou 2014. Kolekcia 2014 je velmi dobra a vydarena a vdaka jednemu projektu z produkcie Ikea Bratislava som na Design Week dostala jeden velmi pekny darcek, ktory som si odniesla tento tyzden v pondelok domov. Ako to vsetko prebiehalo, uvidite na videu uverejnenom nizsie a o danom projekte najdete info v priebehu niekolkych dni na webovej stranke IKEA Bratislava.... Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine   * Good morning! When I noticed last week in one post, it was one lovely event in Bratislava, Design week 2014. Ikea Bratislava was part of this action and presented PS Collection 2014. This collection is very nice and I got one great gift from Ikea thanks to wonderful project from their production. I took the gift home this Monday, You can see more on t...