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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 5, 2014

Tvorba krasnych papierovych vianocnych stromcekov / Creation of nice, paper christmas trees

Ak patrite medzi kreativnych ludi, tak ako ja, urcite neobidte tuto krasnu tvorbu. Papierove stromceky vyzeraju skvelo a urcite na Vianoce potesia. :) Na nasu tvorbu potrebujeme: papierove obrusky roznych priemerov, spajdle, drevene koralky v 2,5 cm priemere, noznice, lepiaca pistol, lep.... Navod podla obrazkov je jednoduchy a super, takze hor sa do prace :) * If you are creative and do some nice decorations for your home, please have a look on this lovely project :) Paper christmas trees look great and it will be nice for Christmas :) We need for our creation: Paper doilies of different diameters Large skewers wooden beads 2.5cm in diameter a glue gun scissors a glue stick Instruction by images is simple and super, so we can go to work :)   Images via Oui oui oui studio

Kuchyna na spravnom mieste v jednom skandinavskom dome / Kitchen on the correct place in one scandinavian house

Je to neskutocne krasna kuchyna, kde je doslova a do pismena vsetko na svojom mieste, hoci nie vzdy to tak bolo. Ale rekonstrukcia sa manzelskemu paru podarila, vsak je krasna, je tu krasne drevo, tramy, takze radost pozerat, ale urcite aj varit...:) * It is unbelievable and nice kitchen which is perfect and all is on correct place. The reconstruction was well done and this couple is really happy for it. They used really nice wood, the beams are stunning, I like it so much! I believe that it is nice to cook there :) Images via Bobedre

Novy mezonetovy svedsky byt / New swedish duplex apartment

Realitna kancelaria Fastighetsbyran predava mezonetove byty, ktore boli dokoncene tento rok, 2014.  Je to pekna novostavba, ktora disponuje aj peknym priestorom a aj mnozstvom peknych napadov v celom byte. Zariadenie je fajn, nechybaju ani kusky od Ikei :). Moju pozornost uputala prakticka kuchyna s peknym jedalenskym stolom a zaroven aj obyvacia izba, ktora posobi viac ako fantasticky a harmonicky:), ale samozrejme nielen tato izba... * Real Estate Agency Fastighetsbyran sells these duplex apartments which were finished this year, 2014. It is very nice new development which have nice space with a lot of great ideas in whole apartment. The furnishings is perfect and we can see some pieces of IKEA. :) I love this functional kitchen with a lovely dining table and of course the living room which looks fabulous but we can notice whole this apartment as stunning apartment... Images via Fastighetsbyran

Perfektna stolova lampa / Perfect table lamp

Dobre rano! Tak tato LED lampa nema vobec ziadnu chybu. Designerka Inma Bermudez urobila velky kus prace a nazvala tuto lampu Follow me. Je jasne aj preco. Mozeme si ju kludne vziat kdekolvek s nami na cesty alebo mat ju jednoducho len doma. Je to krasny interierovy aj exterierovy kusok :) Prajem krasnu stredu! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! This LED table lamp is absolutely fantastic designer product. Designer Inma Bermudez did very nice work and named it Follow me. And we know why  :) We can take this lamp with us during traveling or can be in the interior. It is wonderful exterior's and interior's piece :) Have a nice Wednesday! Lucia Albertine Images via Google