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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júla 2, 2014

Velmi elegantne nohavicove outfity / Very smart trouser outfits

Je pravdou, ze nie kazdy den ma zena naladu obliect si na cely den suknu a preto Vam dnes ponukam niekolko mojich oblubenych inspiracii na nohavice, vsetky outfity su naozaj chic....:) * It is true that women don't have the mood to wear the skirt some days and for these "moods"days I offer nice inspirations of great and chic outfit...:) Images via Pinterest

Skandinavsky byt plny inspiracii / Scandinavian apartment full of inspirations

Tento byt dokaze uputat hned na prvy pohlad. Je to velmi prijemne miesto od kuchyne az po chodbu. Ja osobne som velkym fanusikom bielej podlahy, ale tato tmava je fakt viac ako fantasticka. :)Aspon cely byt posunul do inej linie. Ako vidiet v spalni, domaca pani sa farieb neboji, izbu ozivila cervenou a vazne to vyznie chic :) No a nakoniec ako sa hovori, ceresnickou na torte :) je polickovy system v obyvacej miestnosti, design je krasny a izba vyzera velmi elegantne... Lucia Albertine * This apartment is very interesting and really full of inspirations. I love whole flat from the kitchen to hallway. I am big fan of white wooden floor but this dark floor is more than fantastic. And what about colors? The house lady chose red color for the bedroom and I think it is great choice and this room is very chic. :) And finally, the best thing of the apartment is shelving system in the living room. The design is stunning and the room looks elegant.... Lucia Albertine ...

Svieze koktaily / Fresh coctail

Konecne leto je uz tu a pocas tepla sa clovek chce osviezit. Preto su dobre svieze koktaily, najlepsie z ovocia s pridanim ladovych kociek a teplo uz nema ziadnu sancu :) Prajem krasnu stredu! Lucia Albertine * Finally summer time is here and we need something fresh and cold during this time. The fresh coctails are very good with the fruits and ice small pieces .....:) Have a nice Wednesday's moerning! Lucia Albertine Images via BoligLiv, Pinterest