Dobre rano! Ak niekto vyraba pekne auta, nema problem zaujat aj niecim inym. Lexus sa rozhodol vo svojich priestoroch pripravit pre svojich klientov a fanusikov aj nieco ine. Ak sa budu rozhodovat pre kupu auta, mozu sa zastavit a posediet v restauraciach, v galeriach s koncepcnymi autami, nakupovat v butikoch, ktore predavaju oblecenie a doplnky vyrobene specialne len pre Lexus, ale zaujali napriklad aj s motorovymi dielmi priskrutkovanymi na ocelove plechy, ktore namontovali na schodisku.... Je to naozaj velmi zaujimave.... Prajem krasny a slnecny den! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! If someone's doing nice cars, it is not problem do something interesting for his fans and clients. Lexus did really nice and interesting things ....If people will decide for Lexus cars, they can make decisions in beautiful Lexus's spaces, in the restaurants, gallery with concept cars, in the boutique which sells the clothing and accessories made only for Lexus or people can see en