Images via Erik Olsson jednoducho tento krasny mensi byt v Stockholme sa neda to naozaj skvost uz len svojou uchvatnou atmosferou, cistymi liniami a krasnym, stylovym nabytkom... to byt s obytnou rozlohou 24m2, ale i napriek malej rozlohe sa podarilo vycarovat velmi prijemny obytny kutik, kde sa urcite je radost vracat... ...mojmu srdiecku ulahodili farebnou cierno - bielou kombinaciou so zlatymi detailami na dekoraciach :)...neodmyslitelnou sucastou su super krasne crepniky pre kvietky, styling s obrazmi na stenach nesmie chybat...uzasne...:) * is really wonderful apartment which I have to post on my blog is a big treasure thanks to cute atmosphere, clean lines and with stylish furniture... ...this flat has only 24 square metres.....although this space is small, we can see absolutely calm and sweet living area... ...I love it for color's combination with gold details on decorations...lovely part of the interior are...