Images via Erik Olsson ...aj dnes na mojom blogu najdete velmi krasny byt so sviezou atmosferou, ktory sa nachadza v Stokholme... ...cely interier je velmi zaujimavy, prijemny....mozeme tu vidiet krasne vyuzitie mramoru na kuchynskej doske alebo aj na konferencnom stoliku.... ...takisto za pozornost stoja aj dekoracie a nabytok ako Butterfly chair.....ale aj fotografie a obrazy na stenach, ktore vynikajuco dotvaraju vysledny look celeho bytu.... * you can find very nice and interesting apartment with fresh atmoshere which is located in Stockholm... ...whole interior is cool and stylish....we can see here nice marble on kitchen desk and on coffee table in living corner.... can notice some nice decorations, furniture as Butterfly chair....the photos and pictures on the walls create fantastic air of whole interior...