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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu marca 3, 2015

Carovny, jednoduchy svedsky byt / Magical and simple swedish flat

....tento jednoduchy a zaroven zaujimavy byt zo Svedska ma jednoducho v ponuke na predaj realitnej kancelarie Skandiamaklarna.... ...cely byt je velmi napadity a kuchyna s obyvacou izbou s jedalenskym kutom naozaj stoji za to, tento priestor je oziveny tapetou a policou medzi kuchynou a izbou, je to fajn, len mi tu chyba lepsie osvetlenie jednotlivych zon... spalna je krasna, jednoducha a posobi velmi pohodlne az na ten televizor, ktory tam nema co robit... * ...this simple and interesting apartment is located in Sweden and I love different ideas here..... whole apartment is lovely and I like the space of kitchen, living room with dining is amazing thanks to nice wallpaper and shelf between kitchen and living area... this space is absolutely stylish and looks nice but I need more lights for the zones in the room... the bedroom is wonderful, simple and cute but please TV is not neccessary in this room... Im

Design kaviarne / Design of cafe

Tato kaviaren / jedalen bola vytvorena v priestoroch jednej webovej firmy v San Franciscu.....samotna firma iniciovala vznik tejto kaviarne pre potreby svojich zamestnancov, kedze chceli dosiahnut, aby sa zamestnanci spolu stretavali na ranajky, ci obed a spolocnu musim povedat, ze v takychto priestoroch je naozaj radost sa stretavat a aj travit nejaky ten cas....Studio O + A vytvorila krasny priestor.....nadhera... * This cafe / cafeteria was created in the space of web firm with 700 employees in San Francisco...this firm wanted this cafe for breakfast, lunch and coffee break of employees and I have to say it is great to spend the time in this wonderful space.....the design of cafe is is really nice work of Studio O + A....wonderful... Images via Interior Design Photography by Jasper Sanidad