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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júna 17, 2014

Skvele plavky / Great swimsuits

Kedze teploty uz potesili azda kazdeho z nas a navodzuju pocit dovoleniek, nesmieme zabudnut na zakladne vybavenie a to su plavky. Je pravda, ze kazda zena vybera plavky naozaj precizne, len aby v nich vyzerala skvelo a boli pohodlne. A kto si uz nevie poradit, prinasam malicku inspiraciu a ak si dovolenku uz uzivate, tak prajem, aby bola prijemna a s krasnymi zazitkami :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * We have lovely summer degrees outside and we think for holidays very often. Please don't forget very important basic thing and it is swinsuit. It is true that every woman choose the swimsuit precisely because every woman has to look great. I am bringing nice small inspirations and if you are on holiday I wish you nice and lovely time... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Malebny design restauracie v Dansku / A delightful design of danish restaurant

Je tu az neuveritelny doraz ako na interier, tak aj na exterier restauracie v danskom  Klampenborgu. Kedze sa tato restauracia nachadza v retazci Madklubben, tak je jasne, ze to bude aj gastronomicky zazitok. :) Vyhlad je neskutocny, interier fantasticky, to musi byt zazitok navstivit tuto restauraciu.... Lucia Albertine * I love this restaurant in Denmark, north of Copenhagen. You can find here lovely exterior / view and fabulous interior. It is located in Klampenborg, Madklubben restaurant's chain, your visit will be nice gastronomic experience.... This restaurant looks really and really nice... Lucia Albertine Images via Nytt Rom

Nadherny seversky design / Wonderful nordic design

Dnes by som chcela predstavit dalsi nadherny nordicky designersky kusok. Tato lampa bola navrhnuta v roku 1947 v ciernej farbe Gretou Grossman a dnes ju predstavuje a predava designersky dansky dom Gubi.... Tato stolova lampa je naozaj uzasna, nadcasova a elegantna... Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * I would like to show you another lovely nordic design piece today. It is this table lamp designed by Greta Grossman in 1947. Today is presented and sold by danish designer house Gubi.... It is very stunning, timeless and elegant lamp! Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via