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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 26, 2014

Ciapka v jesennej mode / Cap in fall's fashion doplnenie svojho jesenneho outfitu mozete kludne pouzit aj ciapku, siltovku, je to chic, vyzera to velmi dobre, elegantne,..... pre Vasu inspiraciu posluzia aj fotografie nizsie...:) Prajem krasny vikend! Lucia Albertine * ...if you want to have your fall's outfit complete, chic and elegant, you can choose a cap,.... then the outfit looks nice, chic and elegant, these images below are perfect for your inspirations...:) Have a nice weekend! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Uchvatny svedsky, biely byt / Fabulous swedish white apartment

Zdravim! Tento byt je zaujimavy uz len tym, ze sa nachadza v budove z roku 1875. Uz samotny rok napoveda, ze sa tym padom bude jednat o velmi zaujimavu architekturu a je tomu aj tak. Pozornost na seba putaju samotne okna. A nielen tie... Samotny styl, ktory prevlada v celom byte sa nesie v duchu pohodlia a dobreho vkusu. Prevlada biela farba, ktora sa nachadza ako na stenach, tak aj na podlahe, kazda jedna miestnost je pekna, specificka, zaujimava. Mne sa najviac paci jedalensky kut s rozlicnymi stolickami, obyvacia izba so svojim stolikom od Hay, spalna so svojim stylom .... *  Hello! This apartment has located in very interesting building from 1875. This year gives us the impression that the architecture of the apartment will be very nice and absorbing. And it is true. We can find here a lot of wonderful tings as f.e. windows.... When we have a look on this flat we can see nice style and elegance. The white color is dominant and each room is nice and specific....


Muuto skandinavska designerska spolocnost organizuje sutaz pod svojim menom MUUTO TALENT AWARD. Tymto chcu povzbudit skandinavskych designerov, studentov architektury a tym im dat ako priestor tak aj slobodu, aby priniesli nieco nove a svieze do nordickeho designu. V kazdom pripade vitaz ziska neskutocnu moznost rozvijat svoj talent a i dalsie vyznamne spoluprace, ktore moze vo svoj prospech vyuzit v tomto businesse.... Prajem krasny piatok! Lucia Albertine * Muuto scandinavian design company organizes lovely competition MUUTO TALENT AWARD. They want to encourage a lot of scandinavian designers, students of architecture by this competition and give them a space, freedom and possibilities to bring something nice and fresh into nordic design. And the winner can obtain the possibility to develop the talent, a lot of advantages in the business and get a lot of cooperations with other famous designers.... Have a nice Friday! Lucia Albertine