This apartment is incredible peaceful place and elegant. The apartment is in Göteborg, has 50 meters square but looks large. The terrace has lovely view, people can spend pleasant time to drink cup of coffee. The bedroom is absolutely chic, colors in this room are so nice. I would like to sleep in this bedroom each day. The living room has very nice mid-century furniture, there is a beautiful coffee table. I watch that pink color is favourite color of inhabitants, it is good choice, especially in combination with white and grey. There is also in the bathroom, very nice room. The kitchen is modern and nice. In whole apartment is stunning floor. Tento byt je veľmi príjemné a elegantné miesto. Nachádza sa v Göteborgu, má 50 metrov štvorcových a vyzerá dosť priestranne. Terasa má pekný výhľad, ľudia tu môžu stráviť príjemný čas a vypiť si šálku kávy. Spálňa je super chic, farby sú nádherné. Veru, tu by som mohla spať aj každý deň. Aj obývačka patrí ku pekným izbám, má krá...