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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 24, 2014

Photo of the day

Pre dnesny den je foto dna tato fotka mojho starsieho syna. Zdedil hobby po svojich rodicoch a uci sa fotit. No a musim povedat, ako ho to bavi, tak ma aj talent :) * For today the image of the day is this photo of my older son. He loves to take an images and starts to be his big hobby :) And I have to say, he is a big talent :) Image by Trendesso

White decorations, white Christmas

Biela je  kralovska farba a ked sa pouzije v interieri, absolutne nic sa nepokazi a priestor bude krasne nadekorovany. A tak je to aj v pripade Vianoc a vianocnych dekoracii... Ja osobne tento rok siaham na Vianoce po bielej, striebornej a zlatej farbe a inspiracie, ktore su uvedene nizsie, su skvele a rozhodne sa budem inspirovat :) A vy ste sa rozhodli pre aku farbu tento rok? Ohhh a mimochodom, je jedno pre aku farbu vianocnych dekoracii sa nakoniec rozhodnete, urcite to bude krasne a v kazdom pripade jedine Vy a Vasa rodina vytvara tu ozajstnu vianocnu naladu.... Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * White color is royal color and if is used in the interior ......whole space is decorated nicely. In any case white Christmas and christmas white decorations look nice... I will have white, silver and gold christmas decorations this Christmas and the ideas for white Christmas below are perfect and I will try to use some of them :) And you? For what color of ch...

Nadherny a sviezi svedsky byt / Lovely and fresh swedish apartment

Ked si clovek sadne a v pokoji si pozrie tento skvely byt, ktory sa nachadza v Goteburgu, tak si musi povedat, ze v jednoduchosti je krasa. A je tomu naozaj tak :) Byt je krasny, elegantny, farebny a posobi sviezo. Domaci sa absolutne nebali pouzit farby a je to vlastne aj fajn.  Mne sa paci kazda jedna izba, biela podlaha, minimalizmus a hlavne farebny nabytok. Osobne nie som toho fanusikom, ale ci uz ruzova sofa a zlte kreslo v obyvacej izbe alebo zlta stolicka v spalni ma svoje miesto a opodstatnenie v byte :) * When everyone sits down and watch the images of this great flat which is located in Gothebourg, everyone has to say...simplicity is big beauty. That's right :) This apartment is nice, elegant, colorful and looks so fresh. All colors which are used here are lovely. I like each room, white floor, minimalism and colorful furniture. I am not big fan of these furniture but pink sofa, yellow armchair in the living room, yellow chair in the bedroom,.....look p...

Uzasne kuchyne a kupelne / Amazing kitchens and bathrooms

Dalsi pracovny tyzden zaciname uzasnymi kuchynami a kupelnami po celom svete. Su nadherne uz len tym, v akom dome alebo byte sa nachadzaju. Samozrejme designeri, stylisti alebo jednoducho obyvatelia domov, ci bytov si dali naozaj zalezat. Naozaj je na co sa pozerat. Prajem Vam uspesny start do noveho tyzdna! Lucia Albertine * Another working week we start with nice images of beautiful kitchens and bathrooms around the world. These rooms are wonderful thanks to architecture of houses or apartments where are located. Of course, designers, stylists or people who live there did very good job. It is nice to watch this beauty. Have a nice start of working week! Lucia Albertine Images via Interior Design