Tento byt som zamerne vybrala na dnesny den, lebo plne zodpoveda slovu pohoda :) Tento byt je utulny a ponuka maximalne pohodlie. Mne osobne sa pacia okna, ktore maju tak siroku parapet, ze sa da tam sediet. Vyzera to super, no ale v tomto byte to nie je to jedine prave orechove :). Neskutocne krasne su sede steny - pracovna je uzasna... a samozrejme nielen tato miestnost. :) no a samozrejme za povsimnutie stoja mramorove steny :) Prajem krasny vikend! Lucia Albertine * I would like to show you this apartment today because is perfect flat for weekend :) It is cozy and comfortable space. I like the windows with wide sills where is possible to sit and read nice book. But there are a lot of lovely things...the workroom with grey walls is perfect...and of course please notice the walls from marble.... I let you to watch these images from lovely swedish apartment...:) Have a lovely weekend! Lucia Albertine Ima...