Hej! Ako sa dlho čakalo na víkend, tak neskutočne rýchlo preletel, ani som sa nestihla zastaviť a vychutnať si ho v kruhu rodiny. Preto ešte prv, než sa začne pondelok, nájdime si čas a venujme sa niečomu, čo nás baví a čo máme radi. Na spestrenie popoludnia a povznesenia nálady, prinášam fotky tentokrát kuchýň. Každú jednu by som rada mala, škoda, nedá sa to, tak aspoň si nechajme pokochať oči :-)
Rozdelila som to na dve časti, táto prvá sú moje srdcovky, čisto biele kuchynské linky. Treba si všimnúť zvyšnú dekoráciu kuchýň.
Poteším sa každému komentu, ktorý ma vedie k zlepšeniu môjho blogu.
Hey! How long waiting for the weekend and flew incredibly fast, or I was not able to stop and enjoy it with family. Therefore, even before the start Monday, take time to let us and something that we like and what we like. To liven up the afternoon and elated, this time bringing photos of kitchens. Every one would like to have, shame it can not be, at least let you admire the eyes :-)
I divided it into two parts, the first is my cockles, pure white kitchen cabinets. It should be noted the remaining kitchen decor.
To enjoy each comment, which leads me to improve my blog.
Rozdelila som to na dve časti, táto prvá sú moje srdcovky, čisto biele kuchynské linky. Treba si všimnúť zvyšnú dekoráciu kuchýň.
Poteším sa každému komentu, ktorý ma vedie k zlepšeniu môjho blogu.
Hey! How long waiting for the weekend and flew incredibly fast, or I was not able to stop and enjoy it with family. Therefore, even before the start Monday, take time to let us and something that we like and what we like. To liven up the afternoon and elated, this time bringing photos of kitchens. Every one would like to have, shame it can not be, at least let you admire the eyes :-)
I divided it into two parts, the first is my cockles, pure white kitchen cabinets. It should be noted the remaining kitchen decor.
To enjoy each comment, which leads me to improve my blog.
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