Hej! Dlho som nevedela prísť na chuť čiernej farbe v bytoch, v domoch, na nábytku. Ale keď som ju dala do kombinácii s bielou, tak to už je hneď niečo iné, je to elegantné a krásne. No pre mňa tam nesmie byť veľa čiernej, lebo je to potom už dosť smutné. Treba všetko s mierou. Preto pripájam fotky ako dôkaz, že čiernobiela kombinácia je naozaj elegantná :-)
Poteším sa každému Vášmu komentu, ktorý ma vedie k zlepšeniu môjho blogu.
Hej! For a long time I did not like blacks in apartments, homes, for furniture. But when I put it in combination with white, so that's just something else, it's elegant and beautiful. But for me, there must be a lot of black, because then it's already pretty sad. It is everything in moderation. Therefore, attach photos to prove that black is really a combination of elegant :-)
To enjoy each your comment, which leads me to improve my blog.
Poteším sa každému Vášmu komentu, ktorý ma vedie k zlepšeniu môjho blogu.
Hej! For a long time I did not like blacks in apartments, homes, for furniture. But when I put it in combination with white, so that's just something else, it's elegant and beautiful. But for me, there must be a lot of black, because then it's already pretty sad. It is everything in moderation. Therefore, attach photos to prove that black is really a combination of elegant :-)
To enjoy each your comment, which leads me to improve my blog.
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