Hej! Musím sa s Vami podeliť pre mňa s krásnymi švédskymi kuchyňami, pre ktoré mám naozaj slabosť. Ako celý škandinávsky štýl je pre mňa pohodový, domácky, tak aj v tejto každej jednej kuchyne by som a cítila ako doma. Zvlášť tá moja srdcovka je s bielym jedálenskym stolom a zelenkavými stoličkami. A čo vy?
Poteším sa každému komentu, ktorý ma vedie k zlepšeniu môjho blogu.
Hey! I have to share with you for me with beautiful Swedish cuisine, for which I have really weak. As a whole Scandinavian style makes me cool, homely, as well as one each in the kitchen and I felt at home. In particular, it is my frog with white dining table and chairs greenish. What about you?
To enjoy each comment, which leads me to improve my blog.
Poteším sa každému komentu, ktorý ma vedie k zlepšeniu môjho blogu.
Hey! I have to share with you for me with beautiful Swedish cuisine, for which I have really weak. As a whole Scandinavian style makes me cool, homely, as well as one each in the kitchen and I felt at home. In particular, it is my frog with white dining table and chairs greenish. What about you?
To enjoy each comment, which leads me to improve my blog.
U mňa 12-ta fotografia. Kombinácia biela a drevo vo mne evokuje pocit domova a sále z tejto kombinácie "teplo".
OdpovedaťOdstrániťto je fakt a hlavne, ze kombinacia biela farba a dreva je absolutna jednicka :) a hlavne zaruci eleganciu na dlhe roky :)