Hej! Každý kraj má svoje čaro a tým svojim čarom, s ktorým chytí za srdce je aj švédsky vidiek.Keď začina leto, Švédi odchádzajú stráviť leto na vidiek. Príroda je tu úplne prepojená s človekom a s jeho bývaním, ľudia si ju prinášajú do svojho domova, obklopujú sa vecami, ktoré milujú. Tak si spestrujú svoje bývanie a cítia sa viac pohodlne. Ja by som naozaj pristala stráviť letné mesiace na švédskom vidieku, keby som mala navôkol toto:
Poteším sa každému komentu, ktorý ma vedie k zlepšeniu môjho blogu.
Hej! Each region has its own charm and the magic of his with which grabs the heart and Swedish countryside..When summer starts, the Swedes go to spend the summer in the countryside.. Nature here is completely linked to the man and his housing, people are bringing in their own home, surrounded by the things they love. So enliven their housing and feel more comfortable. I'd really landed spend the summer months in the Swedish countryside, if I had around me this:
To enjoy each comment, which leads me to improve my blog.
Poteším sa každému komentu, ktorý ma vedie k zlepšeniu môjho blogu.
Hej! Each region has its own charm and the magic of his with which grabs the heart and Swedish countryside..When summer starts, the Swedes go to spend the summer in the countryside.. Nature here is completely linked to the man and his housing, people are bringing in their own home, surrounded by the things they love. So enliven their housing and feel more comfortable. I'd really landed spend the summer months in the Swedish countryside, if I had around me this:
To enjoy each comment, which leads me to improve my blog.
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