Hej! Tieto miestnosti sa snažia zariadiť útulne, prenášajú do nich veľa svetla a farieb. Keďže po práci v nich trávia veľa času so svojou rodinou, snažia sa, aby sa v nich cítili veľmi dobre. Na tomto štýle milujem farby na dekoráciách, ktoré vyniknú a popritom vôbec nepôsobia násilne a gýčovo. A čo milujem, sú vankúše na sedačkách.
Poteším sa každému komentu, ktorý ma vedie k zlepšeniu môjho blogu.
Hej! They are trying to arrange a room cozy, transfer them to a lot of light and color. As for the work they spend a lot of time with their family, trying to make them feel in very well. In this style, I love to paint decorations that stand out, and in addition, do not act violently and even kitschy. And what I love the cushions on the seats.
To enjoy each comment, which leads me to improve my blog.
Poteším sa každému komentu, ktorý ma vedie k zlepšeniu môjho blogu.
Hej! They are trying to arrange a room cozy, transfer them to a lot of light and color. As for the work they spend a lot of time with their family, trying to make them feel in very well. In this style, I love to paint decorations that stand out, and in addition, do not act violently and even kitschy. And what I love the cushions on the seats.
To enjoy each comment, which leads me to improve my blog.
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