Hej hej! Podľa mňa do každej kuchyne patria kuchynské ostrovčeky, no ale nie každý si ich môže na veľkosť svojej kuchyne dovoliť. Jedným z tých menej šťastných sa radím aj ja, tak mi neostáva nič iné, len sa pokochať fotografiami.:-)
Hej hej! I think in every kitchen includes a kitchen island, but no, not everyone can get them to let the size of your kitchen. One of those less fortunate and to advise me, so I have no other, just admire the photos. :-)
Hej hej! I think in every kitchen includes a kitchen island, but no, not everyone can get them to let the size of your kitchen. One of those less fortunate and to advise me, so I have no other, just admire the photos. :-)
Hoorah to kitchen islands! So useful and look lovely too. I especially love the first and last pictures (you know how much I love my black and white!). Have a lovely day.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťYes, I know Nikky :-) Lovely day too :-)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťIt is simply beautiful. Thanks for posting.