Hej! Tento dom plný svetla pripomína skôr chatu.. Ale rodina, ktorá ho využíva, býva tam už niekoľko rokov a sú tam maximálne spokojní.. Svojím zariadením pripomína vidiecke domčeky. Je
zariadený vo švédskom štýle s francúzskymi prvkami Vďaka
veselým drobnostiam pôsobí útulne aj napriek svojim 250 metrom
Hej! The house full of light resembles as a cottage .. But the family that uses it, live there for several years and there are more than satisfied .. His device reminds rural houses. It is decorated in Swedish style, with elements of French. With cheerful trinkets operates comfortably despite its 250 square meters.
Hej! The house full of light resembles as a cottage .. But the family that uses it, live there for several years and there are more than satisfied .. His device reminds rural houses. It is decorated in Swedish style, with elements of French. With cheerful trinkets operates comfortably despite its 250 square meters.
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