Hej! Najkrajší interiér roku 2011 mladej, 23 ročnej Amálie Fagerli sa nachádza v nórskom
Eidsviku, ktorý obýva s manželom a dvoma deťmi. “Hlasovanie vypísal
interiérový magazín Boligpluss, bolo neuveriteľne zábavné a vzrušujúce”,
hovorí majiteľka domu.
Jednoduchý priestor je zdobený mixom
rustikálnej a východnej inšpirácie, svoj vlastný výraz štýlu vložila do
starého, pôvodne schátralého domu.
”Veľa som experimentovala a čítala
blogy o dizajne, keď sa mi farba zdala absurdná, začala som maľovať
znova”, tvrdí šťastná výherkyňa. Je hrdá, že sa jej podarilo zachovať už historické biele drevené podlahy
pôvodne secesného domu. Mladý pár je neuveriteľne šikovný, všetky
stavebné práce vykonávali spoločnými silami. Čo sa zariadenia domu týka, väčšinu zdedila po starých rodičoch a z
finančnej výhry súťaže plánuje dokúpiť ešte chýbajúcu kuchynskú linku v
šedej farbe. Ako sa vám páči jej dielo?
Hej! Best interior of 2011, a young, 23 year Fagerli Amalie is located in the Norwegian Eidsvik be occupied with her husband and two children. "Voting interior magazine wrote out Boligpluss was incredibly fun and exciting," says the owner of the house.
Single room is decorated with a mix of rustic and Eastern inspiration, his own style contributed to the term of the old, dilapidated house originally.
"A lot of experimenting, and I read blogs about design, when the color seemed absurd to me, I began to paint again," said the winner of happy. She is proud that she has managed to preserve the historic white wooden floors originally nouveau house. Young couple is incredibly handy, all building work is carried out through joint efforts. What are the facilities of the house, most inherited from grandparents and financial planning contest winnings buy yet absence of a kitchen unit in gray. How do you like the work?
Single room is decorated with a mix of rustic and Eastern inspiration, his own style contributed to the term of the old, dilapidated house originally.
"A lot of experimenting, and I read blogs about design, when the color seemed absurd to me, I began to paint again," said the winner of happy. She is proud that she has managed to preserve the historic white wooden floors originally nouveau house. Young couple is incredibly handy, all building work is carried out through joint efforts. What are the facilities of the house, most inherited from grandparents and financial planning contest winnings buy yet absence of a kitchen unit in gray. How do you like the work?
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