Hej! Tak takýto víkendový dom by som naozaj chcela raz mať. Keď som ho uvidela, hneď na očaril. Úžasná je hosťovská izba s kovovou posteľou a dreveným stolíkom, osobitné čaro pre mňa má biele schodisko, veľmi dobrý nápad má aj gauč s veľkým množstvom úložného priestoru. A čo na to poviete vy?
Hej! So this weekend house, I would really like to have the time. When I saw him, I was really impressed. Amazing is a guest room with metal beds and wooden table, a special charm for me a white staircase, a very good idea to have a sofa with plenty of storage space. And what do you say?
Hej! So this weekend house, I would really like to have the time. When I saw him, I was really impressed. Amazing is a guest room with metal beds and wooden table, a special charm for me a white staircase, a very good idea to have a sofa with plenty of storage space. And what do you say?
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