Hej hej! V roku 1994 začala v Škandinávii vznikať malá stolárska firma Simonsen and Czechura specializujúca sa na interiéri. V priebehu času získali reputáciu svojim prístupom k navrhovaniu a výrobe kuchyň v štýle klasického designu a jednoduchých línii. Ich kuchyne sú vybavené moderným zariadením s nadštandardnou kvalitou ručných prac. Netradičné služby len potvrdzujú jedinečnosť firmy. Sama inštaluje kuchyne do interiéru. Firma na túto prácu obvykle posiela tých istých stolárov, ktorí nábytok vyrobili.
Hej hej! In 1994, began to emerge in Scandinavia a small carpentry firm Simonsen and Czechura specializing in interiors. Over time, earned a reputation in their approach to the design and manufacture of kitchen design in classic style and simple lines. Their kitchens are equipped with modern facilities and excellent quality handiwork. Nontraditional services confirm the uniqueness of the company. Installs itself into the interior of the kitchen. Company for the job usually sends the same carpenter who made furniture.
Hej hej! In 1994, began to emerge in Scandinavia a small carpentry firm Simonsen and Czechura specializing in interiors. Over time, earned a reputation in their approach to the design and manufacture of kitchen design in classic style and simple lines. Their kitchens are equipped with modern facilities and excellent quality handiwork. Nontraditional services confirm the uniqueness of the company. Installs itself into the interior of the kitchen. Company for the job usually sends the same carpenter who made furniture.
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