Ahojte! Keďže dnes je 13.12. a Vianoce sa nezadržateľne blížia, stane sa , že niekto nemá ešte stále vianočnú náladu. Tu pripájam zopár fotografií, aby ste všetci mali nielen vianočnú, ale aj dobrú náladu, aby Vám v tejto veľkej zime nezamrzol úsmev na tvári. :-)
Hej hej! Since today is 13.12 and Christmas is fast approaching, it happens that someone still has a Christmas mood. I attach some pictures so you all have not only Christmas, but also good mood to you in this great winter freezes smile on your face. :-)
Hej hej! Since today is 13.12 and Christmas is fast approaching, it happens that someone still has a Christmas mood. I attach some pictures so you all have not only Christmas, but also good mood to you in this great winter freezes smile on your face. :-)
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