Hej hej ! Je jasné a jednoznačné, že dánsky bytový design patrí medzi krásne a očarujúce a zároveň veľmi príjemné. Stačí sa len pozerať na niekoľko fotiek, ktoré tu prinášam. Škoda, že sa mi sem nezmestia všetky. :-)
Hej hej ! It is clear and unambiguous, a Danish interior design is one of the beautiful and charming and very comfortable. You just have to look at some pictures that I bring. A pity that I do not fit all here. :-)
Hej hej ! It is clear and unambiguous, a Danish interior design is one of the beautiful and charming and very comfortable. You just have to look at some pictures that I bring. A pity that I do not fit all here. :-)
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