Hej hej ! Mám rada škandinávsky ako mestský, tak aj vidiecky štýl. Včera som uverejnila švédsky vidiek, tak sa dnes pozrieme na takisto nádherný dánsky vidiek. Očarujúce interiéry.
Hej hej ! I love Scandinavian as urban, Country as well as style. Yesterday I published the Swedish countryside and now also looking at the magnificent Danish countryside. Charming interiors.
Hej hej ! I love Scandinavian as urban, Country as well as style. Yesterday I published the Swedish countryside and now also looking at the magnificent Danish countryside. Charming interiors.
So beautiful! You know how much I love Scandinavian style! A very happy new year to you! /Niki :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI know Niki ;-)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťHappy New Year, too